Tuesday, April 22, 2008

State Senate Candidate David Pyne Endorses Pearce for US Senate

David Pyne for State Senate

April 14, 2008
Contact: Caroline George

ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO –Attorney David Pyne, candidate for State Senate in the 23rd District, endorsed Congressman Steve Pearce for US Senate today saying that Pearce's lifelong dedication to conservative principles made him the best choice in the race.

Pyne stated that Representative Heather Wilson's record in Congress was not a conservative one on either social or fiscal issues. He said that the turning point for him was when he attended a meet and greet for her in his neighborhood during the 2006 campaign. At the meeting he asked her whether she was pro-life and she said yes, but that she did not believe in changing abortion laws to prohibit or substantially restrict the availability and legality of abortions in this country. "You cannot be pro-life and not support overturning Roe v. Wade or support a constitutional ban for abortion with strict exceptions. Words are cheap. Heather Wilson's own words demonstrate she is not pro-life which is not surprising since she first ran for Congress as a pro-choice candidate, a fact which many Republicans have forgotten."

David said that he had met up with Pearce several times on the campaign trail and was always impressed by his statements of conviction on issues of importance to social conservatives such as the right to life, Second Amendment rights and his strong opposition to illegal immigration and commitment to secure the borders. He said that he remembered attending a Pearce for Senate fundraiser last December shortly after declaring and Pearce was very supportive and said that if there was anything he could do to help him to let him know. At the fundraiser, Pearce talked about how he was able to get elected in a district with only 35% Republican voter registration with a high level of Democrat support due to his strong pro-life stand. "That won me over," Pyne stated. "I promise to do everything I can to help Steve Pearce win the nomination and get elected as our next US Senator to replace Pete Domenici as the de facto leader of the New Mexico Republican Party."

Pyne also praised Pearce for his service to his country in uniform during the Vietnam-era and criticized Heather Wilson for trying to distort Pearce's solid record not only in support of our military bases here in New Mexico like Cannon Air Force Base but in support of America's national security overall.

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