Saturday, April 12, 2008

State Senate Candidate David Pyne Endorses Carraro for Congress in 1st District and Gonzales for Congress in 3rd District

David Pyne for State Senate

April 12, 2008
Contact: Caroline George

ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO –Describing himself as New Mexico’s next State Senator from the 23rd district, attorney and grassroots Republican leader David Pyne endorsed Senator Joe Carraro for 1st Congressional District race today stating, “I am endorsing Senator Carraro for Congress because I believe that he is the only true conservative in this race. During his two decades in the New Mexico State Senate, Joe has stood with conservatives particularly on social issues like abortion, gun rights, traditional marriage and immigration. I also believe that he is the stronger candidate to face the Democratic nominee for the general election,” Pyne stated. “Carraro is the underdog in this race, but with our help, he can still win the June 3rd primary.”

He added that he no longer believed Sheriff Darren White was a real conservative. “White’s volunteering to serve as Rudy Giuliani’s state campaign chairman was a real wake up call for social conservatives like myself as it demonstrated that he was not one of us. His complete lack of regard for Giuliani’s hard left positions on important social issues such as his support for abortion on demand including partial birth abortion, gay civic unions, amnesty for the twenty million illegal immigrants in this country and banning over one-hundred and fifty different types of semi-automatic weapons was very disturbing.”

David said that previously he liked White, but that his several month stint as Giuliani’s state campaign chairman which he only abandoned after declaring his candidacy for Congress and realizing it might be a political liability proved he was willing to sacrifice any claim to conservative principles on the altar of political expediency in order to further his political career. He said that he also found it troubling that White announced his run for Congress before he even knew what issues he was running on adding that was the opposite of the way it should have been. Pyne declared, “We need candidates of conviction, not candidates of political expediency that are running merely for the sake of getting elected to higher political office rather than to advance the cause of conservative principles here in this country. Running on strong conservative principles will be the key to victory for Republicans this election year as it has always been.”

Pyne also endorsed his fellow attorney Marco Gonzales for Congress in the 3rd District in which he resides. “I agree with (former) Congressman Bill Redmond, that Marco represents the best chance we have to take back control of the 3rd Congressional district in a long time. Tom Udall is one of the most far-left members of the United States Congress and his ultra-liberal voting record is not representative of the district so it is high time for a change.” David praised Gonzales for his strong support for the right to life and said that it was his passionate statements in favor of social conservative principles including prayer in schools that won him over and caused him to endorse him. Pyne also said he was grateful for Gonzales’ words of support for his candidacy and wanted to return the favor.

He said he also liked Marco’s Republican challenger, Dan East, and believed he is also a good conservative, but found himself closer to Gonzales on the issues he cares most about. Pyne concluded by stating that he believes that Marco’s experience in serving for ten years as a senior staffer to New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici on defense and other issues made him better qualified to represent the citizens of the Third Congressional District as their next representative in the United States Congress.

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