Tuesday, April 22, 2008
State Senate Candidate David Pyne Endorses Pearce for US Senate
April 14, 2008
Contact: Caroline George
ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO –Attorney David Pyne, candidate for State Senate in the 23rd District, endorsed Congressman Steve Pearce for US Senate today saying that Pearce's lifelong dedication to conservative principles made him the best choice in the race.
Pyne stated that Representative Heather Wilson's record in Congress was not a conservative one on either social or fiscal issues. He said that the turning point for him was when he attended a meet and greet for her in his neighborhood during the 2006 campaign. At the meeting he asked her whether she was pro-life and she said yes, but that she did not believe in changing abortion laws to prohibit or substantially restrict the availability and legality of abortions in this country. "You cannot be pro-life and not support overturning Roe v. Wade or support a constitutional ban for abortion with strict exceptions. Words are cheap. Heather Wilson's own words demonstrate she is not pro-life which is not surprising since she first ran for Congress as a pro-choice candidate, a fact which many Republicans have forgotten."
David said that he had met up with Pearce several times on the campaign trail and was always impressed by his statements of conviction on issues of importance to social conservatives such as the right to life, Second Amendment rights and his strong opposition to illegal immigration and commitment to secure the borders. He said that he remembered attending a Pearce for Senate fundraiser last December shortly after declaring and Pearce was very supportive and said that if there was anything he could do to help him to let him know. At the fundraiser, Pearce talked about how he was able to get elected in a district with only 35% Republican voter registration with a high level of Democrat support due to his strong pro-life stand. "That won me over," Pyne stated. "I promise to do everything I can to help Steve Pearce win the nomination and get elected as our next US Senator to replace Pete Domenici as the de facto leader of the New Mexico Republican Party."
Pyne also praised Pearce for his service to his country in uniform during the Vietnam-era and criticized Heather Wilson for trying to distort Pearce's solid record not only in support of our military bases here in New Mexico like Cannon Air Force Base but in support of America's national security overall.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
State Senate Candidate David Pyne Endorses Carraro for Congress in 1st District and Gonzales for Congress in 3rd District
April 12, 2008
Contact: Caroline George
ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO –Describing himself as New Mexico’s next State Senator from the 23rd district, attorney and grassroots Republican leader David Pyne endorsed Senator Joe Carraro for 1st Congressional District race today stating, “I am endorsing Senator Carraro for Congress because I believe that he is the only true conservative in this race. During his two decades in the New Mexico State Senate, Joe has stood with conservatives particularly on social issues like abortion, gun rights, traditional marriage and immigration. I also believe that he is the stronger candidate to face the Democratic nominee for the general election,” Pyne stated. “Carraro is the underdog in this race, but with our help, he can still win the June 3rd primary.”
He added that he no longer believed Sheriff Darren White was a real conservative. “White’s volunteering to serve as Rudy Giuliani’s state campaign chairman was a real wake up call for social conservatives like myself as it demonstrated that he was not one of us. His complete lack of regard for Giuliani’s hard left positions on important social issues such as his support for abortion on demand including partial birth abortion, gay civic unions, amnesty for the twenty million illegal immigrants in this country and banning over one-hundred and fifty different types of semi-automatic weapons was very disturbing.”
David said that previously he liked White, but that his several month stint as Giuliani’s state campaign chairman which he only abandoned after declaring his candidacy for Congress and realizing it might be a political liability proved he was willing to sacrifice any claim to conservative principles on the altar of political expediency in order to further his political career. He said that he also found it troubling that White announced his run for Congress before he even knew what issues he was running on adding that was the opposite of the way it should have been. Pyne declared, “We need candidates of conviction, not candidates of political expediency that are running merely for the sake of getting elected to higher political office rather than to advance the cause of conservative principles here in this country. Running on strong conservative principles will be the key to victory for Republicans this election year as it has always been.”
Pyne also endorsed his fellow attorney Marco Gonzales for Congress in the 3rd District in which he resides. “I agree with (former) Congressman Bill Redmond, that Marco represents the best chance we have to take back control of the 3rd Congressional district in a long time. Tom Udall is one of the most far-left members of the United States Congress and his ultra-liberal voting record is not representative of the district so it is high time for a change.” David praised Gonzales for his strong support for the right to life and said that it was his passionate statements in favor of social conservative principles including prayer in schools that won him over and caused him to endorse him. Pyne also said he was grateful for Gonzales’ words of support for his candidacy and wanted to return the favor.
He said he also liked Marco’s Republican challenger, Dan East, and believed he is also a good conservative, but found himself closer to Gonzales on the issues he cares most about. Pyne concluded by stating that he believes that Marco’s experience in serving for ten years as a senior staffer to New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici on defense and other issues made him better qualified to represent the citizens of the Third Congressional District as their next representative in the United States Congress.
State Senate Candidate David Pyne Releases Campaign Platform, Attacks Opponent as Too Liberal for his District
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Caroline George
April 11, 2008 603-5100
ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO –Attorney and grassroots Republican leader David Pyne, candidate for State Senate in the 23rd District, released a comprehensive campaign platform delineating his top priorities if elected to the State Senate in the June 3rd primary. No Democrats filed for the State Senate seat by the March 18th deadline and so the winner of the Republican Primary will determine who is elected as the district’s next State Senator.
Pyne said he was running on time-honored conservative principles and pledged to implement common-sense conservative solutions to New Mexico’s problems on a host of issues like improving the quality of education for New Mexico students, providing major tax relief for New Mexico’s taxpayers including phasing out the personal state income tax over a period of four yeas and proposals to help fight illegal immigration.
He stated that Sander Rue hailed from what he referred to as ‘the Brad Winter wing of the New Mexico Republican Party.’ Rue served as Albuquerque City Councilman Winter’s campaign chairman during his ill-fated Mayoral campaign in 2005. Pyne added that Winter was elected Council President late last year with a lot of liberal Democrat support over the objection of many of his fellow Republicans on the city council who walked out in protest.
David also stated that his opponent Sander Rue was not a social conservative and was a newcomer to the idea of fighting illegal immigration. “Unlike my opponent I have been a lifelong supporter of efforts to securing our borders and a longtime opponent of rewarding illegal immigrants with amnesty and free federal and state government benefits other than public education for the children of illegal immigrants,” Pyne stated. “During three previous campaigns for public office here on New Mexico, Rue has never revealed his position on social issues, strongly suggesting that those positions are at odds with mainstream conservative Republicans in our state.”
Pyne further stated that in contrast to his opponent’s attempts to conceal his positions on social issues of importance to New Mexico Republicans, he had printed his conservative positions on these issues on all of his campaign literature and proclaimed them in all of his campaign press releases and public speeches. He said that his recent endorsement by New Mexico Eagle Forum was proof positive of his strong commitment to conservative principles like the right to life.
Pyne also questioned his opponent’s position on abortion and his commitment to the pro-life cause and noted that Rue was not a strong supporter of the Second Amendment right of our citizens to own a firearm, and was not a strong supporter of efforts to protect traditional marriage. “During the recent debate over rewarding gay couples with civic unions and tax benefits, an initiative I loudly and publicly opposed, Rue’s silence was deafening.” “Furthermore, Rue failed to speak out against liberal Democrat Governor Bill Richardson’s socialized health care plan as I did.” Pyne concluded by stating that “The bottom line is that my opponent is just too liberal for Republicans in the 23rd District.”
Top priorities
If elected, my top priorities as your next State Senator will be: First to improve the quality of our education system to help our children learn better and reduce the drop out rate; Second to phase out the personal state income tax over a period of four years to put more money in the pockets of lower and middle class families who need tax relief in these difficult economic times; Third to fight illegal immigration by removing government incentives which encourage illegal immigrants to remain in our state, drain our economy and increase violent drug and gang-related crime.
Improve Education Quality
I oppose the ‘No Child Left Behind’ law because it arbitrarily brands many of our public schools as ‘failed.’ If elected, I will implement common-sense solutions such as a merit-pay system to reward harder working teachers to improve education quality and splitting APS into west and east side school districts to increase accountability and local control. I will also work to accelerate public school construction to meet the needs of West Side residents. In addition, I am a strong supporter of providing tax incentives for children of lower and middle class families to attend private schools and be home-schooled to increase educational choice.
Cut Taxes & Create Jobs
If elected, I will work to hold the annual increase in state government spending to manageable levels to help pay for meaningful tax relief for poor and middle class families. Specifically, I will work to phase out the personal state income tax over a period of four years while limiting the increase in overall state spending to 3.6% a year. I also support eliminating unnecessary and/or burdensome regulations on businesses which decrease productivity and hinder them from paying their employees higher salaries and from hiring more workers. By making New Mexico more business friendly, we will help to fight poverty in our state by helping to create more jobs for our citizens most importantly our working and middle class residents.
Fight Illegal Immigration
I will work to eliminate Albuquerque's sanctuary city status as a haven for illegal immigrants and will fight to increase the ability of state and local law enforcement officials to enforce federal immigration laws. I will also work to revamp our issuance of driver’s licenses to illegal aliens by requiring that they be clearly marked to indicate their immigration status. Moreover, I will work to cut government benefits to illegals and penalize companies that hire them to incentivize them to leave our state. I will also fight to secure our southern border and reduce crime by illegal immigrants and gangs.
Defend Family Values
If elected, I will vote for a state ban on partial-birth abortions and parental consent laws for minor girls seeking abortions. I also support overturning Roe v. Wade and support a national ban on abortion with very strict exceptions. In addition, I will support legislation to protect and defend traditional marriage between a man and a woman. I strongly support abstinence-only education and if elected will fight to restore it to our schools as the only proven way to fight HIV/STD's and unwanted teen pregnancies. I support all laws, rules and regulations that discriminate on the basis of race in any way most notably in employment decisions in government and in our schools. I also support the exercise of our First Amendment freedom of religion in our schools including prayer and references to our Creator.
Reform Health Care
I strongly oppose Governor Richardson's attempt to pass socialized health care legislation in New Mexico. I support free-market solutions to help make health care more available and more affordable to our lower income and middle-class citizens by reducing costly regulations and mandates on health insurance companies and health care providers while increasing competition and choice. I will also fight to decrease health care costs by denying free non-emergency health care to illegals thus reducing the burden on our health care system.
Support Our Second Amendment Rights
I support the right of private citizens to own and possess a firearm as guaranteed by the Second Amendment. I oppose any and all efforts by the state or federal government to back any type of semi-automatic weapons for private sale or ownership. I support a system of instant criminal background checks at gun stores. I believe the right to own a gun should only be denied violent felons and those convicted of domestic abuse and drug crimes.
Support a Healthy Environment Without Hindering Economic Growth and Development
I support efforts at greater conservation as well as government regulations which help guarantee clean air and water for all of our citizens. I also support increasing development of traditional domestic energy sources in our state including clean-burning coal and nuclear power as well as oil and natural gas which are some of the biggest natural resources in our state. If elected, I would work to eliminate unnecessary and overly burdensome regulations on the development of energy resources in this state to make fuel and energy more affordable for those who can least afford to pay high-prices for these necessities of life.