Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to the residents of the 23rd State Senate District! This year promises to be a very interesting and exciting year rife with political change. Both parties are holding their first presidential contests in Iowa tomorrow and both races are too close to call. Personally, I would love to see Senator Hillary Clinton come in third place in the Iowa caucuses even though I believe that she will be able to recover and still capture the Democrat presidential nomination. The Republican Party must nominate a traditional conservative with a strong moral core and a record of implementing conservative principles if it hopes to defeat Hillary and retain the White House this November. Here in New Mexico, we also need strong conservative Republicans to replace longtime Senator Pete Domenici in the US Senate and to hold on to the 1st Congressional District which is being vacated by Rep. Heather Wilson.

I am fighting to do my part to protect and preserve the gains of the past few state legislative elections which have seen an increase in the number of State House and State Senate districts occupied by Republicans by running to replace Senator Joe Carraro here in the State Senate. I have been humbled by the fact that the response from the county and state Republican party leaders and current and former elected leaders I have contacted over the past few weeks regarding my candidacy for State Senate has been overwhelmingly positive and supportive. Once elected to the State Senate, I promise to work hard to champion the issues that are important to socially and fiscally conservative New Mexicans and to fight for the interests of all of the citizens of the district regardless of party affiliation.

I will also work to campaign to help elect more Republicans so that we can break the Democrat’s seventy-eight year stranglehold on control of the New Mexico State Legislature by retaking the majority in the State Senate. Republicans need a net gain of just four seats in order to do so. I think over three-quarters of a century of one-party rule in the state legislature is just too long. It is important to restore some checks and balances to our state government to ensure that the interests of all of New Mexico’s citizens are represented not just those of Democrat-leaning special interest groups.

Best regards,


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