Monday, January 14, 2008

State Senate Candidate David Pyne Addresses Grassroots Republican Activists and Meets with Veterans

David Pyne for State Senate
January 14, 2008 505-908-1322

State Senate Candidate David Pyne Addresses Grassroots Republican Activists and Meets with Veterans at Military Coalition Luncheon

Last Friday, State Senate Candidate David Pyne joined Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White and a number of other candidates running for Congress as well as state and local office in addressing grassroots Republican activists at the Annual Candidate Forum of the Federated Republican Women (FRW) at the Chamisa Hills Country Club in Rio Rancho. He also addressed the monthly Sandoval County Republican Party meeting along with Congressman Steve Pearce and other candidates the following morning.

After introducing members of his family in the audience at the FRW forum, Pyne described himself as a staunch social and fiscal conservative who would fight to cut taxes, create new jobs, fight illegal immigration and defend family values. Pyne also spoke of his three daughters who he said were enrolled in a ‘failed’ public school and said if the voters elected him to the State Senate he would “fight to improve local control of our schools and increase educational choice to ensure that no child is stigmatized by being forced to attend a ‘failed’ school.” He then addressed his ideas for reforming health care stating that if elected he would fight Governor Bill Richardson’s attempts to pass socialized medicine and would champion free market solutions to make health care more affordable and more available to the 18% of New Mexican citizens who remain uninsured.

Pyne went on to ridicule leading Democrat presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama saying they were running on the kind of change that “would return us to the failed Clinton-era policies of the past which were resoundingly rejected by the voters in the 1994 elections.” During his remarks at the San Bern FRW candidate forum, Pyne said he was running to bring change to Santa Fe and pledged to join with other Republican leaders throughout the state to fight to build a new Republican majority in the state legislature which he noted has been controlled by the Democrats for the past 78 years. He concluded with a rallying cry for Republicans to put aside any differences they had on the issues to unite to defeat Democrats running at all levels in November. Pyne was interrupted by repeated applause and appeared to get the most enthusiastic response from the audience of any of the candidates.

Later the next day, Pyne met with veterans and current and former military leaders at the Military Coalition Luncheon at the Marriott Albuquerque hotel. Pyne described how he was serving on the US Army headquarters staff working two miles from the Pentagon when it was attacked on September 11, 2001. “As a former US Army officer, I have been a lifelong supporter of our military and our brave men and women in uniform and I strongly support our troops in harm’s way in the Middle East.” Pyne said his next scheduled major campaign event will be to address the Albuquerque FRW forum on January 24th from 2-4pm at the Tanoan Country Club along with other Republican candidates.

Friday, January 4, 2008

State Senate Candidate to Address FRW Candidate Forum in Rio Rancho on Jan 11th

David Pyne for State Senate

Contact: David Pyne January 4, 2008

State Senate candidate David Pyne to Address Federated Republican Women’s Annual Candidate Forum on Friday January 11th

State Senate Candidate David Pyne will be holding his first speaking engagement along with other west Bernalillo and Sandoval County area candidates at the Annual Candidate Forum of the Federated Republican Women (FRW) at the Chamisa Hills Country Club, 500 Country Club Dr. SE in Rio Rancho from 1-3pm on Friday, January 11th.

Pyne said, “I am looking forward to the opportunity to introduce myself to the voters of the 23rd State Senate District. I believe that women of all ages are a very important voting block in the Republican Party and make the difference for a candidate winning or losing elections.”

Pyne added, “I continue to believe that I am the strongest candidate to hold this seat for the Republicans in November. I hope that the members of the RFW will actively support me in my efforts to bring principled conservative change to the State Senate in Santa Fe and to work hard to help elect a new Republican majority in the state legislature.”

Results of the Iowa caucuses

I would like to congratulate Governor Mike Huckabee on his stunning victory in Iowa last night. Huckabee brings a lot to the table running on the issue of principled moral conservative change and as the most socially conservative candidate in the race. Equally commendable has been his commitment to stay positive in the face of relentless negative attacks against him. I would also like to congratulate Mitt Romney for his second place showing. Romney has worked very hard and has spent a lot of money including over $20 million of his own personal fortune in Iowa and New Hampshire and has one last chance to defeat Senator John McCain in New Hampshire in order to retake his frontrunner status away from Mike Huckabee. Given his fundraising advantage and willingness to employ negative attack ads against his rivals to the hilt, I would not rule him out just yet. I believe that we all owe a debt of gratitude to both Huckabee and Romney for saving the Republican Party from a Giuliani nomination which I believe would be calamitous for the Republican Party given his liberal stands on the issues. The Giuliani campaign is for all extents finished at this point following his anemic sixth place showing in Iowa.

I would also like to congratulate Ron Paul who has been competing with Mike Huckabee as the principled conservative change candidate in this race for his surprisingly strong double digit showing. Ron Paul has raised attention to a lot of important issues which might not have otherwise received a fair hearing principally his opposition to continuing the war in Iraq which is shared by about a third of Republicans and his articulation of why we were attacked on 9-11 and how to better prevent terrorist attacks in the future. Equally important, Ron Paul has brought a lot of very excited and intense supporters into the Republican Party many of whom have never voted before at a time when most of the excitement has been on the Democrat side to retake the White House away from George W. Bush. The intensity of his support was showcased by his record fundraising of over $6 million in one day and nearly $20 million this past quarter which was more than any other Republican candidate. Following the primary campaign, hopefully he will put some of that money to good use in the future by forming a Liberty PAC to assist like-minded conservative candidates running for office. It is my fervent hope that these new Ron Paul Republicans remain in the Republican Party even if Ron Paul is not successful in his campaign to be the next Republican presidential nominee. I believe that if Mike Huckabee is elected President, the chances of Ron Paul being offered a cabinet position are reasonably good. Either way, I believe Ron Paul and his supporters will continue to play an important part in the Republican Party in the years to come.

The race has now come down to a three-man race between Mike Huckabee and either Mitt Romney or John McCain. The results of next Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary will determine which of the two establishment status quo candidates will battle it out with Huckabee who is the most conservative of the three and the only one who is promising substantial changes in America’s foreign and domestic policy if elected President including implementing fair trade, protecting American jobs, ending our messianic policy of imposing democracy by force in the Middle East, fighting illegal immigration, securing America’s borders, defending our independence and sovereignty and abolishing the hated income tax which hurts individuals, businesses and economic productivity in this country. If McCain can hold on to his narrow lead in New Hampshire, I believe Huckabee will ultimately defeat him to become the Republican presidential nominee to face Hillary or Obama in November. If Romney wins, his fundraising advantage may well enable him to prevail over Huckabee and become the nominee. I pledge to support whichever of the two wins in November.

Even though Hillary came in third place in November, she still has a chance to recover and defeat Obama in New Hampshire. If she loses in New Hampshire I believe that Obama will become the Democratic nominee. Many Republicans are hoping Hillary is the nominee because her high negatives offer greater hope of a Republican victory and reducing our losses in the House and Senate this November. I tend to agree with them.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to the residents of the 23rd State Senate District! This year promises to be a very interesting and exciting year rife with political change. Both parties are holding their first presidential contests in Iowa tomorrow and both races are too close to call. Personally, I would love to see Senator Hillary Clinton come in third place in the Iowa caucuses even though I believe that she will be able to recover and still capture the Democrat presidential nomination. The Republican Party must nominate a traditional conservative with a strong moral core and a record of implementing conservative principles if it hopes to defeat Hillary and retain the White House this November. Here in New Mexico, we also need strong conservative Republicans to replace longtime Senator Pete Domenici in the US Senate and to hold on to the 1st Congressional District which is being vacated by Rep. Heather Wilson.

I am fighting to do my part to protect and preserve the gains of the past few state legislative elections which have seen an increase in the number of State House and State Senate districts occupied by Republicans by running to replace Senator Joe Carraro here in the State Senate. I have been humbled by the fact that the response from the county and state Republican party leaders and current and former elected leaders I have contacted over the past few weeks regarding my candidacy for State Senate has been overwhelmingly positive and supportive. Once elected to the State Senate, I promise to work hard to champion the issues that are important to socially and fiscally conservative New Mexicans and to fight for the interests of all of the citizens of the district regardless of party affiliation.

I will also work to campaign to help elect more Republicans so that we can break the Democrat’s seventy-eight year stranglehold on control of the New Mexico State Legislature by retaking the majority in the State Senate. Republicans need a net gain of just four seats in order to do so. I think over three-quarters of a century of one-party rule in the state legislature is just too long. It is important to restore some checks and balances to our state government to ensure that the interests of all of New Mexico’s citizens are represented not just those of Democrat-leaning special interest groups.

Best regards,
